Little Dog Travels Miles By Himself Every Day To Visit His Best Friend's Grave

This is love ❤️

For seven long and happy years, this little dog named Fulmine shared his life with Sara Sechi’s father, Leonardo. The two best friends lived in the countryside of Italy — finding simple joy in one another’s company.

“They were very affectionate,” Sechi told The Dodo. “They were always cuddling.”

Sadly, Fulmine and Leonardo’s time together recently came to an end. But their love lives on.

Sara Sechi

Last month, after a long battle with an illness, Leonardo passed away. While he was in the hospital, Leonardo’s family cared for Fulmine, where they saw just how much the little dog was missing him.

“Every time a car approached, Fulmine would run to the gate in case it was my father,” Sechi said.

Even after Leonardo was laid to rest, the dog never stoped looking for this friend.

And then he finally found him.

Sara Sechi

The day after Leonardo’s funeral, Sechi and her son traveled to the cemetery to lay more flowers at his grave. And when they arrived, they were surprised to discover someone else was there to visit, too.

It was Fulmine. 

Sara Sechi

Incredibly, Fulmine had walked nearly 2 miles from the countryside, all on his own, arriving at the spot where Leonardo had been laid to rest.

He seemed to understand that Leonardo, whom he’d not seen in weeks, was now here.

Sara Sechi

“I did not expect to find him there,” Sechi said. “He hadn’t been at the funeral. I have no idea how he knew where to go.”

Yet there was Fulmine — finally reuniting with Leonardo, if only in spirit.

Sara Sechi

This wouldn’t be Fulmine’s last visit. In the weeks that’ve followed, neighbors have reported seeing the little dog making his way to and from the cemetery to visit the friend he’d lost.

“We think he goes there every day,” Sechi said.

Yet, how Fulmine knew where to find Leonardo remains a mystery.

“I like to think he's guided by his love for my father. Or that my father led him there," Sechi said. "It’s one of those strange things without a real explanation.”

Fulmine’s heart still aches — but that’s a feeling he will never have to face alone.

Sara Sechi

Sechi has since taken Fulmine in to live with her, to both mourn together, and to one day move forward to create happy new memories as a family.

And Leonardo’s legacy will continue to live on in their hearts.

“It makes me emotional to think about how much my father loved Fulmine, and how much Fulmine loves him,” Sechi said. “It’s sad to see him grieving, but we will slowly overcome this sad moment together.”